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Being a first–me dog owner is both thrilling and nerve-wracking. Having an animal companion in your home is exci-ng, but it can also be worrisome to look a?er them and avoid making mistakes that may harm them. The list of most common new dog owner mistakes by Yahoo! includes the lack of prepara-on for your dog’s arrival, inconsistent training that may turn them into a trouble-making pets, and neglec-ng their health and safety.

However, these worries and poten-al mistakes don’t need to stop you from caring for a furry friend. With the right mindset, tools, and prepara-on, you can have an easier and more comfortable dog-rearing experience. As a first–me dog owner, here are some tools and accessories that may help you:

ID tag

Dogs are curious creatures, especially in new environments. You may o?en find them exploring different rooms and corners at home, or not at all if they’ve wandered outside your property—yikes! That means there’s a huge chance your new dog may get lost thanks to their curious nature. However, simply keeping a close eye on them won’t do the trick: if your dog moves fast and excited enough, it’s easy to lose track of them.

To be rid of the uncertainty, it’s thus crucial that the first thing you do when you have a new dog is to get them an ID tag. Our ar-cle “What Do I Put On My Dog’s ID
Tag?” emphasizes how your dog’s name, medical informa-on, and microchip informa-on (if applicable)—along with your phone number and address—will all be on this tag. This helps strangers locate you should they find your dog or allow them to provide necessary medical aVen-on while you’ve yet to be reunited. Always have your dog’s ID tag on their collar, especially if they’re an outside dog.

Floor vacuum cleaner

Dogs will shed their fur, regardless of if they’re long or short-haired. Unfortunately, these hairs accumulate quickly and may get caught in dust bunnies. This can turn your floor messy and poten-ally cause allergies.

Since pet hair scaVers quickly and is hard to clean, consider saving yourself the trouble and inves-ng in an automa-c floor vacuum cleaner like the iRobot Roomba s9+. Considered one of the best Roombas for pet hair it has a suc-on power that’s 40 -mes stronger than other cleaners, so it can easily vacuum the smallest hairs stuck in carpets or scaVered on -les. It even has Dirt Detect Technology that allows it to immediately clean up fallen fur once detected. Finally, it can clean pet waste, making it even more versa-le. Just remember not to leave your dog unaVended when your vacuum is ac-ve to avoid mishaps.

Dog gates

As men-oned above, dogs are curious. They’ll smell or lick any par-cle or substance they may find interes-ng, including toxic cleaning products.

Use dog gates to keep your new dog out of the bathroom, laundry room, or other areas that may have toxic chemicals—especially if you’re s-ll training them to stay out of certain rooms. The Carlson Extra Tall 36-inch dog gates will last your dog for years, even a?er they grow taller. They also come with walk-through doors if you want to train your dog to enter certain rooms on command or give them access to areas once it’s safe.

Pet camera

Leaving your dog unaVended can be anxiety-inducing. Not knowing if they’ve already chewed up your couch or have goVen themselves into harm when you’re out of the house can weigh on your mind.

This is why gehng a pet camera will be one of the best possible decisions you can make as a new dog owner. For this, consider The Pet 2. This is currently the top Petcube dog camera thanks to its high-quality video streaming accessible by an app, two-way audio system, and built-in laser toy that you can remotely control on your phone. Addi-onally, it has a mo-on and sound detector that sends alerts, so you’ll get no-fied if your dog is moving or making noise.

Caring for a dog for the first -me should be a comfortable experience. Invest in the right tools and accessories to make dog-rearing as safe and enjoyable as possible.

Article written by Ressy Jane Exclusively for Silver Paw


Are you looking for ways to keep your pup in shape? Keeping your dog fit and healthy isn’t just about exercise — it also involves helping them maintain a clean diet and giving them the right toys and products to keep them active. Silver Paw has provided some essential tips for helping your furry companion stay in tip-top shape in all seasons!

Clean Diet

A clean diet is one of the best gifts you can give your pet. Start by giving them high-quality food that contains all the essential nutrients they need. Be sure to read labels carefully, so you know precisely what’s going into their bodies.

Also, limit treats to special occasions since too many can cause weight gain, among other health problems. You’ll also want to avoid overfeeding because it can lead to obesity and further health complications.

Grain-free food is optimal for many dogs, as it helps to avoid allergic reactions. Many grain-free options (this one deserves a look) also have beneficial ingredients like protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals from high-quality sources. These foods provide top-notch nutrition for your pup without any of the added fillers often found in commercial dog foods.

Further, keep in mind that the natural antioxidants and enzymes in grain-free food can help to improve digestion and boost your pup’s immune system. It’s an excellent all-around choice for providing complete nourishment and minimizing health risks.

Exercise Routine

Just like us, dogs need regular exercise to stay fit and healthy. Take your furry friend out for walks every day or set up a playdate with another dog, so they get some social interaction while running around and burning off excess energy.

You can also try different activities that give them a wide range of movement, like swimming, agility courses, or flyball competitions. Most importantly, make sure whatever activity you choose is safe for your pup; some exercises might be too strenuous or dangerous if done improperly.

Outdoor Safety

If you take your pup out for regular walks or activities outdoors, you must keep safety a top priority. Have them wear a collar with an ID tag at all times; that way, if they get lost, someone will know where they belong. Moreover, make sure there are no poisonous plants in areas where they play, and check their fur after being outside for any ticks or fleas that may have attached themselves during their outdoor adventures!

If you own a dog and move between multiple residences, it’s especially crucial to have a pet tag with an ID number. When it comes to pet tags, phone numbers are key — keeping it short and sweet is the way to go. Don’t include ZIP Codes, but do include the street address, which is much more important than providing your town and state. Remember that last names aren’t essential for pet identification information.

Toys and Products

Having the right toys and products can help keep your pup active even when indoors. Look for interactive toys like treat puzzles or balls with treats inside that give them something fun to focus on while getting exercise at the same time!

There are also a plethora of products, like pet stairs or ramps, that provide easy access when going upstairs in bed. Many of these have built-in steps specifically designed for small breeds who have trouble jumping on the furniture without assistance.

Wrapping Up

Part of being a responsible pet owner is helping your furry friend stay fit, healthy, and happy. By giving them high-quality food and exercise, keeping them safe outdoors, and providing them with helpful toys and products, you can ensure Fido remains in pristine shape day in and day out. And when they feel their best, they’ll be able to bring even more joy into your life!

Would you like to read more helpful content or learn about our stainless steel ID tags? Visit today!

Becoming a digital nomad is all the rage these days, and it’s no surprise why. Working remotely gives you the freedom to work from anywhere in the world, while still earning a steady income. But what if you have a furry friend who needs your care? You don’t have to leave them behind – here are tips and tricks shared by Silver Paw Pet Tags on how to become a digital nomad when you have a pet.

Find Pet-Friendly Rentals

One of the biggest challenges of becoming a digital nomad is finding pet-friendly rentals that also have high-speed internet access. While this might seem like an impossible task, it’s doable if you know where to look. Look for short-term rentals on sites like Airbnb or VRBO that offer free WiFi and allow pets. You can also search online for pet-friendly hotels or hostels in your desired city.

Pet-Ownership Laws

Make sure you’re aware of any laws or regulations regarding pet ownership and travel in the countries you plan to visit. Some countries may require additional paperwork for bringing pets into their country that needs to be met before entering the country. Make sure you understand these regulations ahead of time so there aren’t any surprises when you arrive at your destination.

Check the Microchip and Vaccinations on Your Pet 

When traveling with pets, it’s important to make sure their vaccinations and microchip information is up to date before leaving home. This will ensure they are protected should they get lost while on your travels. It’s also important to keep copies of all relevant documents with you in case they are needed during travel or by local authorities upon arrival at your destination. You may also want to purchase a durable stainless steel tag from Silver Paw Pet Tags.

Find Out About Veterinary Care 

It is also important to research veterinary care options at each location before arriving at your destination. This will give you peace of mind knowing that should something happen while traveling, there will be qualified professionals available who can provide care for your furry friend if needed.

Invest In Pet Care Insurance

Investing in pet insurance can help cover unexpected costs related to medical care for your companion during travel as well as provide peace of mind should something happen while away from home. Many insurance companies offer policies tailored specifically for travelers and their pets so do some research ahead of time and find one that fits both your budget and needs.

Develop A Portfolio For Your Business  

If you plan on working remotely while traveling, you must create a portfolio that showcases the type of services or products offered by your business as well as examples of completed projects or clients’ past experiences working with you – this will help attract potential customers and clients worldwide who may not know about you yet but would benefit from using your services or products!

Get the Appropriate Technology

When it comes to working remotely, here’s a possible solution to avoid problems: invest in the right tech tools. Depending on your line of work, you may need a laptop, cell phone, or tablet. Making sure these devices are current with the necessary applications will go a long way in creating an efficient system for remote working. This can save you precious time and energy – which can be easily wasted if your devices aren’t up to date. Investing upfront in the appropriate technology can lead to successful and stress-free remote work life!

Design Business Cards

Last but not least, designing business cards for yourself helps promote yourself wherever possible – handing out cards at networking events (even virtual ones!) is an excellent way to showcase what skills/experiences/products/services one has available which could benefit others – this helps build credibility within industry circles and increase overall visibility and recognition! There are many online business card creators that can help you easily create a stunning card using pre-made templates. If you’re looking for one to get started, here’s a possible solution that can lend you a helping hand.

Becoming a digital nomad when accompanied by our four-legged friends can be daunting but it doesn’t have to be! With advanced planning, researching relevant laws and regulations related to pet ownership and travel beforehand plus investing in the right technology tools and creating marketing materials such as business cards ahead of time ensures smooth sailing throughout remote work life – allowing us and our furry friends alike enjoy all that comes with living life as digital nomads!


If you’re a pet lover, you may have more than one pet. And if you’re like most people with more than one pet, you have at least one on a special diet. So what’s the best way to manage all of those different diets? Here are some tips that can make things a little bit easier.

Have Separate Food and Water Bowls for Each Pet

If you have multiple pets, it’s essential to have separate food and water bowls for each one. This will help to prevent any cross-contamination of diseases or illnesses. It also helps to track how much each pet is eating and drinking. If you notice that one of your pets is eating or drinking more than usual, it could signify a health problem.

Feed Pets on Opposite Sides of the House to Avoid Territorial Disputes

If you have more than one pet, you may want to consider feeding them on opposite sides of the house. This can help to avoid any territorial disputes that may occur. Cats are very territorial creatures and can often become aggressive if they feel their territory is being threatened. By feeding them on opposite sides of the house, you can help to avoid any potential problems.

Rotate the Type of Food You Feed Your Pets Every Few Weeks to Keep Them From Getting Bored

One of the challenges of feeding multiple pets is keeping them all interested in their food. If you feed them the same thing daily, they’re likely to get bored and may even stop eating altogether. To keep them from getting bored, try rotating the type of food you feed them every few weeks. This will help keep their interest levels up and may encourage them to eat more.

Some people find that feeding their pets a variety of different foods helps to keep them all healthy. If you’re concerned about their health, talk to your veterinarian about the best way to ensure that all of your pets are getting the nutrition they need.

No matter how many pets you have or their individual dietary needs, there are ways to ensure that they’re all getting the food they need. Following these tips can help make things a little bit easier on yourself and your pets.

Supplement Their Diets with Healthy Treats

Some pets are notoriously fussy eaters; many can be picky about their food. If you’re finding that your pets are refusing to eat the food you’re giving them, it may be time to supplement their diets with healthy treats. Look for treats that are high in protein and low in carbohydrates. You should also avoid giving treats that contain artificial flavors or colors. Pets usually prefer natural foods, so try to find treats made with natural ingredients.

It’s also an excellent way to bond with your pets and build a relationship with them. When you’re giving them treats, take the time to pet them and talk to them. This will help to create a strong bond between you and your pets, and it will also help to keep them healthy and happy.

Provide Plenty of Toys to Keep Them Amused

One of the challenges of having multiple pets is keeping them all amused. Pets can get easily bored, and if they don’t have anything to do, they may start causing trouble. To keep them from getting bored, provide them with plenty of games and toys you can find at your local pet store. 

In addition, you should also try to spend some time playing with them each day. This will help to keep their minds active and will also help to bond with them. When playing with your pets, make sure to use gentle movements and avoid violence. 

Make Sure All of Your Pets are Getting the Nutrition They Need

Pets have different dietary needs. To ensure that they are all getting the nutrition they need, you can do a few things.

First, try to feed them on a schedule. This will help ensure that they’re getting enough to eat and that their meals are spaced out appropriately. Second, rotate the type of food you feed them every few weeks to keep them from getting bored. And finally, supplement their diets with healthy treats. By following these tips, you can help ensure that your pets are all getting the nutrition they need.

If you’re concerned about your pets’ health, talk to your veterinarian about the best way to ensure that all of your pets are getting the nutrition they need with the best food you can provide. They can give you specific advice based on your pet’s individual dietary needs. By following their advice, you can help to keep your pets healthy and happy.


Having multiple pets can be challenging, but it’s also a lot of fun. By following these tips, you can help ensure that your pets are all healthy and happy. And you can also bond with your pets and build a strong relationship with them. So, don’t hesitate to get a few more cats – they’re worth the effort!

There’s nothing cuter than a puppy photo shoot. But dogs don’t always make the best photography subjects — no matter how much you want a perfect shot for Instagram. Check out these tips from Silver Paw Tags and get your canine client to cooperate for the most Instagram-worthy photos.

Prep for Photo Shoots in Advance

Working with dogs can sometimes be like working with young children. Your pet could be hungry, tired, overstimulated, or just plain bored when it comes time to snap pictures. To prevent meltdowns, plan your photography session for a calm time of day and set the scene accordingly.

If you’ll be taking photos in a public place or out in nature, make sure you have a leash close at hand and your pup is wearing their pet tag. No matter how well-behaved your dog may be, distractions could mean they take off on their own.

Your tone of voice and overall attitude can also impact the photo session experience for your pet. Be firm when giving commands, and even if you have a helper, use your familiarity with your dog to increase the odds of obedience. 

Embrace a Bit of Chaos

Perfectly timed snapshots make for a great Instagram photo grid, but embracing some unexpected chaos could result in an amazing memory (that earns lots of hearts). 

For example, you can make a video into a GIF if it’s hard to get a crisp portrait of your pup. Or, you might be able to crop out blurriness or unwanted background details.

If things go awry, embrace the moment and use your creativity to make a masterpiece — even if it’s a silly or blurry image.

Bring Snacks and Toys

This may sound like a no-brainer because every dog behaves better when snacks are offered. Yet using food in the photoshoot is another trick to capture a great shot. 

Case in point? Plenty of hilarious photos have resulted from dogs attempting to snatch treats out of the air. Even if your dog isn’t an accomplished treat-catcher, the resulting snapshot could be Instagram-worthy. 

Doling out snacks can also earn you some happy-face dog photos if your pet loves a certain type of treat. Toys can have the same effect, or you may stumble upon your pup enjoying playtime and capture an off-the-cuff shot, too.

Use Props Creatively

Toys and treats are great for ensuring your dog has a great time, but you can also use props to level up your Instagram-ready photo shoot. Wigs, hats, and accessories like bow ties can be fun if your dog is willing to cooperate.

Other props like artificial flowers, fancy tableware, or even produce can make for an eye-catching Instagram grid, especially if the lighting is flattering.  

Over-shoot to Better Your Odds

While not every image will be perfect, taking a video or using burst image capture increases the odds that you’ll have usable images. If you’re really struggling with a hyperactive pet, capturing a still image from your video might be a viable option.

Consider taking the same photo from different angles and perspectives, too. You never know which image will capture your dog’s personality and make for the perfect Instagram post.

Change Up the Scenery

Your dog can be cute anywhere, but all the Instagram expert pups know that the setting is key for great photos. One simple tip for changing up the scenery is to head out to your nearest park, beach, or another natural area.

Taking your dog to the beach is a fun experience for you both, and you can capture shots of them playing in the surf, running on the sand, and even enjoying the sunset.

Taking cute pictures of your dog is as simple as pointing and shooting, but with these tips, you can level up your Instagram game. Your pet might just become the next trendy pooch on the ‘gram, thanks to your creativity and patience!


While a chubby pet may appear to be cute and cuddly, the reality is that portly pets are more at risk for health issues, and sadly, a shortened lifespan. The increase in human weight has paved the way for our pets to follow and pet obesity appears to be on the rise.

Why Is Healthy Weight So Important for Pets?

Excess fat contributes to a wide array of animal health issues. Obesity strains your pet physically in every sense whether, heart, lungs, joints, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. This will make your pet want to move even less due to exhaustion and discomfort complicating an already dangerous health condition.

When our furry family members pack on pounds, they increase their risk for several serious health issues including:

  • Ambulatory issues
  • Arthritis
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Heart disease
  • Intervertebral Disc Disease
  • Kidney disease
  • Liver Problems
  • Orthopedic injuries such as ligament tears
  • Respiratory Difficulties
  • Skin and fur coat issues because of a lack of self-grooming

Apart from all the problems associated with weight-related diseases, the pets themselves experience reduced quality of life. Movement can be painful and prohibitive, and pets live shorter lives. 

Healthy choices are a great method for contrasting pet obesity, and you can make them to the benefit of your pet.

Is My Pet a Healthy Weight?

Aside from weighing your pet, an alternative method is to feel around your pet’s gut while they are in a standing position. Ribs and the animal’s spine should be easily felt and a minimal bit of fat should be present. The animal’s stomach should slope upward. This should also be visible when your pet is viewed from the side. Stomachs should not hang. If your dog or cat looks like a solid tube with no shape, then your pet Is probably too heavy. 

What Causes My Pet to Gain Weight?

Factors that contribute to weight gains in pets are the same as the principal causes in human weight gain:

  • Lack of physical activity or exercise
  • Overeating and excessive calorie intake
  • Aging
  • Mobility issues
  • Medical conditions

While some of these factors are beyond our control, a few important ones, like eating and exercise, are not.

Food and Feeding

When feeding your pet, his or her calorie intake needs to be equal to or less to the number of calories he or she burns daily. If your pet is overweight, you can opt for a weight management dog or cat food that will have increased amounts of fiber so there is a feeling of “fullness” while containing fewer calories. You can also reduce the amount of food you give. 

Once your pet has lost excess weight, you can switch to a healthy weight management food product.

You can schedule your pet’s meal to coincide with your mealtime.  If you feed your pet more than once a day, divide the total number of daily calories into the number of meals you give. Do not leave food out. If your pet leaves food, remove it.

Consider food allergies or intolerances that can contribute to weight issues. Your pet may do better with what is known as the ancestor diet such as provided by These diets replicate the carnivorous natural diets that dogs and cats ate before domestication so they contain primarily protein and natural herbs. 

How Can I Get My Pet to Lose Weight?

There are several ways for you to reduce your pet’s weight:

  • Gradually increase physical activity and exercise. Do not rush to get your pet up and running. Any increase in physical activity should be slow.
  • Reduce edible treats to a minimum substituting them with other options or picking treats that contain a minimal number of calories.
  • Reduce the quantity of food that you are feeding.
  • Use a weight-loss pet food that will reduce calorie intake while integrating ingredients that make your pet feel fuller.

If you are committed to reducing your pet’s weight, follow your veterinarian’s recommendations as to how much weight needs to be lost and how quickly.

Tips for Keeping Your Pet at a Healthy Weight

  • Ask your veterinarian for an appropriate diet with portion size and follow your vet’s recommendation to the letter.
  • Feed your pet quality dog food at the same time every day.
  • No feeding from the table. People-food contributes to weight gain.
  • Do not indulge your pet with treats. Rather substitute food treats with attention, praise, toys, and games. Do not give in to pleading eyes and begging.
  • Dedicate time daily for a walk or exercise through play. Get your pet up and moving. Your pet should be involved in physical activity for at least a half-hour every day.
  • Schedule regular follow-up visits with your vet if your pet is on a weight loss plan. Assess weight, nutrition, and eventual health issues at regular intervals to monitor progress and make adjustments as necessary.

While it may be difficult to refuse that pleading look from your beloved pet, stick to the program to ensure that your fur baby enjoys a long and healthy life with you.


Dogs love to be out in nature enjoying some exercise. If you love to hike, or perhaps want to begin hiking as an exercise option, hiking with your best buddy can offer some great benefits from keeping you both active, improving health, and strengthening an already special bond.

Nonetheless, when setting out to hike on trails in open country, or in state and national parks, there are a few things to consider ensuring your and your dog’s safety. The top consideration will be having good command. A dog that responds to commands will be the first line of defense in hazardous situations.

Basic Training

If you don’t plan on keeping your dog on a leash or perhaps dealing with a dog that pulls in one direction or another, basic training is a must. As is investing in an ID tag in case your dog wanders off or gets lost. 

Taking an uncoordinated puppy or an untrained pooch on a hike is not recommended. Begin with short distances for your walks with your dog.

Before planning a long outing, make sure you have taught your dog basic commands. If necessary, enroll in a puppy class and engage in lessons with a qualified professional. Your dog should recognize and obey basic commands such as:

  • Come
  • Down
  • Leave it
  • Sit 
  • Stay

These basic instructions can save your dog’s life. Dogs are natural predators and hunters, so they will instinctively chase other animals, as well as investigate snakes, or dangerous terrain. They may also meet another hiker or another dog. This may not be a concern, but much will depend on if the other hiker dislikes or is afraid of dogs, or any communication between two canines upon meeting.

Information Update

Your dog should have a valid dog license. He or she should also wear dog ID tags that are always up to date with the correct contact information if you are separated. This single act could also save your life in case of an accident. Authorities will know whom they are looking for if they meet your dog. You can check out our ID tags here which we can engrave with your cell number. 

Many states require that all dogs older than four months of age be licensed yearly and this can often be done online. For techies, a technological option is a GPS tracker specifically made for dog collars or registered microchips.


All your dog’s vaccinations need to be current before hiking, particularly the rabies vaccine. Should your dog meet a wild animal that has rabies and transmit the disease to your dog, it will be fatal if your dog has not been vaccinated.

Follow the Rules

Before beginning your hike, take the time to inform yourself whether the park or trail has regulations you both need to follow. The first thing to inquire about is if dogs are permitted in the area you want to hike in. If they are allowed to enter, must they be on a leash, or is vocal obedience training adequate? 

The National Park Services have the B.A.R.K. rule:

  • Bag Pooch’s waste
  • Always on leash
  • Respect Park wildlife
  • Know where you are permitted to go

Dog Gear for Hiking

There are several items that Pooch will need when out hiking with you.

  • Leash.

Even if you have the most obedient dog in the world, or the trail allows off-leash dogs, bring one anyway for eventual situations that can evolve like a hiker fearful of dogs or another aggressive dog on the trail. 

  • A Dog Bowl for drinking.

You and your dog will both be thirsty at some point.  There are collapsible, fold-up bags that you can slip into a pocket or in your backpack. The same can be used to feed your dog if you are camping overnight.

  • Harness 

A dog harness can be helpful if you need to put your dog on a leash at some point or if you want better visibility. Most harnesses have more than one attachment point for leashes, and most have reflective detailing. Some will even feature an ID pocket in the event your dog loses his or her tag.

If you will be camping, consider a harness that has pockets or side bags, so Pooch can carry his or her water and food.

  • Dog Boots in the event of rough terrain or cold weather.
  • Poop bags and anything else that is necessary.

Canine Safety When Hiking


Consider temperature when hiking. If it’s cold for you, Pooch may need an extra layer of warmth as well, especially if a short-hair breed.

For excessive heat, bring extra water. Take rests in the shade and be watchful of symptoms of dehydration and exhaustion. Also, beware of hot surfaces like rocks or similar.

Insect Bites and Stings

If you are hiking in an area where ticks or wood ticks are present, make sure to have a repellent. At the end of your hike do a thorough tick search to remove any and use a specific tick-removal tool so as not to leave the head of the tick buried in Pooch’s skin. Bee and wasp stings will not be a concern unless your dog is allergic. Mosquitoes will bite you both.

Snakes and More

Snakes, rodents, bats, and porcupines as well as any larger animals should be avoided. Most of these animals are not interested in a confrontation and will not present a threat if their space is not invaded. This is the reason rabies vaccines should be up to date. If you will be hiking in an area known to have poisonous snakes, you should also consider snake training with a professional so your dog will know what to do. 

Canine First Aid

Basic canine first aid is a must, especially when adventuring out into the wilderness. If you are in the middle of nowhere and far from veterinary intervention, you will need to act. Research how to apply CPR, if there are toxic plants in the hiking area and consider any of Pooch’s pre-existing medical conditions or injuries.

Carry a few first-aid items with you such as cotton pads, a tick or stinger remover, disinfectant or hydrogen peroxide as well as non-stick bandages.

A Final Thought

Hiking is a wonderful activity to share with your four-legged best friend. With a bit of preparation, you’ll both have a fantastic adventure.


Cooler Weather Is Coming. Is Your Pet Ready?

Cool weather may not be here just yet, but, rest assured, it’s coming. And if you are a first-time pet owner, you should know that caring for your furry friend during the fall and winter requires a little more work than in the spring and summer. Silver Paw Pet Tags invites you to keep reading for a few things you should be aware of and ways to alleviate cold-weather woes.

Stiff joints

Perhaps one of the most unexpected issues surrounding cooler weather and pets is stiff joints. However, as explains, cooler weather may trigger an inflammatory response. This can lead to joint discomfort and arthritis, particularly in older animals. One way to reduce pain is by giving your dog CBD oil, which can be mixed with their food. Be sure to discuss this with your vet first.

Behavioral issues

As pets spend more time indoors, you may find that they are anxious. They might bark, play a little too rough, or get aggressive when you get into their space. Because of this, it makes sense to invest in dog training, particularly if your dog is still a puppy. Look into online training programs you can work on at home together. 

Cold feet

According to the American Veterinary Management Association, dogs have different tolerance levels for the cold. Specifically on their paws, some animals are more prone to cold-weather injuries, such as cracked, rough, or bleeding paw pads. Make a point to check your pet’s feet every time you come in from the outside, even if the weather is not freezing. Some animals may be more comfortable outside in foot coverings made specifically for the cold.

Unintentional poisoning

While your dog may not be spending more time unsupervised outdoors, they do have more opportunities to come into contact with chemicals, such as antifreeze, that can make them sick during the winter months. Animal Emergency Care cautions that even a small amount of antifreeze on your dog’s feet can be deadly if he licks himself after coming into contact. Make sure to wipe your dog’s legs and feet really well after you’ve been outside together. 

You can either purchase inexpensive grooming wipes, or make some yourself with basic ingredients. A quick sprucing up after outdoor trips can save you some heartache—and the cost of an emergency vet bill.


Allergies are mostly associated with the spring, but fall brings mold and other irritants to the air. If you notice that your dog has more eye or nasal discharge, diarrhea, or is scratching and chewing himself more often, call your veterinarian.

Other tips

A few other things you can do for your dog this fall to keep them safe and healthy include:

  • Scheduling their annual wellness visit
  • Investing in a new ID tag with your name and phone number
  • Continuing with flea and tick preventative
  • Watching the weather, and keeping them indoors as much as possible when the temperature is below freezing
  • Investing in a cozy and durable indoor dog house for pups with a shorter coat
  • Feeding them a healthy diet
  • Providing plenty of shelter outdoors or installing a dog door so they can come in from the cold
  • Spending as much time with them as possible to reduce anxiety

Having a pet is hard work. Having a pet in the fall and winter is even more so since you don’t have the freedom of letting them run free. But just because it’s work doesn’t mean it’s not worth it. The advice above can help you be a better pet parent so that you can enjoy your pet no matter the season.

When you want a quality dog tag that’s rust, chew, scratch and salt water-proof, you want a Silver Paw Pet Tag. Our stainless steel tags have a lifetime guarantee, and they come in sizes small, medium and large. Check out our selection today! 

Do you feel concerned about stray animals, neglected pets, or even suffering wildlife in your area? You don’t have to sit idly by – you can reach out and help! Silver Paw Pet Tags has collected plenty of resources to spark your inspiration!

Easy Ways to Help

You don’t have to have any special skills to help animals in need – there are so many things that an individual can do to pitch in!

  • Are there any proposed pieces of legislation for your area concerning animal welfare? You can call up your representatives to share your opinion!
  • You may notice strays or wildlife roaming around your home. This guide will help you decide who to call for help if necessary.
  • Are you interested in getting a pet of your own? Consider fostering.

Support Local Organizations

Do you want to connect with other people who share a passion for the same cause? Check out these local organizations!

  • You can donate to an organization like Paw Works, which aims to help animals find good homes. 
  • If you want to contribute to rescue programs, you can direct your donations to The Humane Society.

Start a Nonprofit

What if you want to take your efforts even further? With some patient planning, you can start a nonprofit! 

  • Need to work out the details of your idea? You’ll want to create a nonprofit business plan. 
  • If you’re searching for additional funding, you can apply for grants. 
  • Planning to hire employees for your business? QuickBooks’ article on payroll defined covers everything you need to know about paying your workers and reporting taxes. 
  • Want to bring people together in support of animal welfare? Host a fundraising event!

Many people feel compassion for animals in need. From volunteering at shelters to donating money to running your own nonprofit, there is no shortage of ways to make a difference. By referencing these resources, you’ll be able to make a positive change in the lives of animals.

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If you’re the owner of a brand new business as well as a new puppy, you may be wondering what you’ve gotten yourself into. Both require significant time and energy, and they will suffer if you neglect them. The good news is you can nurture each of them to develop successfully with proper attention, patience and the right tools. The following tips from Silver Paw Pet Tags demonstrate how you can use a crate to train your puppy, focus on your business and preserve your sanity all at the same time.

Purchase Two Crates

If possible, purchase two crates: one for a quiet area of the house, such as a bedroom, and one for your office. Sometimes your business requires 100 percent of your attention, and the crate holds the puppy out of harm’s way.

Keeping your business and personal assets legally separate helps provide for your safety too. To accomplish this, along with possible tax benefits, register your business as a Maine LLC. It’s easy and inexpensive whether you file the LLC paperwork yourself or use a formation service so you won’t need an expensive lawyer to handle it.

Make the Crate Comfortable for Your Puppy

Effective crate training hinges upon your dog viewing the kennel in a positive light. That means your puppy should recognize the crate as a personal space where he or she feels safe and comfortable. Use a soft crate pad that fits the dimensions of the bottom and cover the top with a blanket or towel, leaving the front open so the puppy can see out one side. Setting the crate up this way will work well with your dog’s denning instinct.

  • Allow the puppy to explore the crate freely with the door open at first.
  • Leave a treat inside the kennel for the puppy to find, and coordinate the timing with closing the crate door.
  • Create a routine for going into the crate by saying the same phrase, tossing in a small treat, adding a favorite toy or other repeated action.
  • Avoid leaving anything in the box that your puppy could choke on while unsupervised.
  • Never use the crate as punishment or speak harshly when it’s time to go in.

Avoid Future Separation Anxiety

Giving your puppy crate time away from you in a quiet area of the house teaches your pet that it’s OK to spend time alone. Expect some whining and barking at first, just like a baby who doesn’t want to go down for a nap. In most cases, the puppy will settle, but if not, there are barking deterrents you can place outside the crate to help train your young pet to be quiet.

Use a Special Reward for Time in the Crate

When you need to leave your puppy alone for an extended period, make the experience positive by providing a special, long-lasting treat. Use a Kong or other tough, treat-dispensing toy and fill it with goodies the animal has to work at to get out. Freezing the food inside the toy makes it last a long time. That way, your dog is occupied with a rewarding activity when you are away or out of sight. In most cases, the puppy will fall asleep after working hard to get the treat out.

Used properly, a crate can be an effective training tool and a safe, secure place for your pet to nap or work on a chew toy. It also helps you get back to work when your business needs your complete focus.